
Showing posts from October, 2014


PARA LEER EN ESPAÑOL HAGA CLICK AQUI! Hi there!  Thank you for stopping by and checking out the Official Website of ROBOTECH: THE MCKINNEY PROJECT. We are an English and Español podcast celebrating the Novelizations of the animated series Robotech written by New York Times Best Selling authors Brian Daley and James Luceno, known collectively as JACK MCKINNEY! We have been on hiatus but set to return in the coming months. (UPDATE: JANUARY 18, 2015 WE RETURN!!!!) In preparation for our return, we decided to put all the Novel readings and narrations that we've done so far from our past Episodes together for..... THE COMPILATION #1   Or Download this episode (right click and save)   Over 90 minutes of UNINTERRUPTED Robotech readings from Robotech Novel #1 - Genesis (Prologue through Chapter 7) For NEW listeners, you get caught up in one Episode! (And listen to Episode #0 "PRE-LAUNCH DETAILS for a full description of the podcast!) For regu...


TO READ IN ENGLISH CLICK HERE! Bienvenido! Gracias por venir al Websiite Oficial de ROBOTECH: EL PROYECTO MCKINNEY. Un podcast en Español e Ingles celebrando las Novelas de la serie Animada de Robotech escritas por autores celebrados por la New York Times, Brian Daley y James Luceno, conocidos colectivamente como JACK MCKINNEY! Hemos estado de vacaciones pero ya estamos casi listos en volver! En preparación para nuestro regreso , decidimos poner todas las lecturas de pasajes y narraciones que hemos hecho hasta ahora de nuestros episodios pasados juntos para darles una Edicion Especial..... LA COMPILACION #1 O.... Descarguen este Episodio! (right click and save) Más de 90 minutos SIN INTERRUPCION de la Novela Robotech # 1 - Genesis ( Prólogo hasta el Capítulo 7 ) Para los NUEVOS oyentes , se pueden poner al dia con el podcast en UN SOLO episodio ! ( Y pueden escuchar Episode # 0 " DETALLES DE PRE- LANZAMIENTO " para una...


Hey guys and girls, As I work on our new Episode.....there have been certain....shall we say.....individuals that seem to get all riled up about the validity of the Robotech Novels as canon...they bash the books.....threatening to slap James Luceno......these "haters" experience some sort of Internet RAGE because the Novels don't mirror the animated series...or that no one but in an office in Los Angeles has the right to state anything about the Novels place in "canon".... I call it the "I TAKE A CARTOON WAY TOO SERIOUSLY!" syndrome... It is a subject I have stayed away from for years..... Until now..... Let's just make it simple and settle it once and for all......shall we? How can I dare say this? Simple.....because I can. Any concerns.....need to let loose your keyboard warrior.....internet rage......"threats".....or just the need to whine, bitch and moan about a bunch of science fiction novels...... here's my...